She Could Be Naked

Category: Big Tits | Date: 16 January 2009 She Could Be Naked

"I need to wear a bra in public or even the most conservative top looks pornographic on me. I am so big that I really need to wear a bra. My breasts are very sensitive and even the slightest stimulation makes my nipples hard. So for practical purposes, I have to wear a bra, even though it's nice to be turned on all the time, I have to be realistic." And what is Miss Lakehurst's perfect day, if she could have it? " I wake up and give my honey a nice cocksucking. I love waking a man up this way. Then we shower together. We make breakfast in the nude and feed each other. We go for a walk on the beach or in a park and talk. Then we have a picnic lunch with lots of fruit and whipped cream. If we are in a secluded area, I would pull up my skirt and sit on his cock and have lazy, slow sex under a tree. Then we nap! And that's only the first half of the day! My perfect day includes lots of sex, obviously!"

She Could Be Naked

