Horny All The Time

Category: Amateur, Teen | Date: 6 April 2009  Horny All The Time

Teen chicks are horny all the time. That's a fact. It's just the way it is, man. They get all these urges and they act on them. They want to be bad. They want to be wild. They want to be all grown up and do everything that they see skanks on T.V. doing. (Thank you, Sex in the City, for teaching all these teenie twats to be open to the idea of getting cocked down!) That's why when tiny Amai is out on the street, looking for a ride, we all know that what she is really looking for is someone to ride. So when this noble citizen picks her up and the flirting starts, you know where this is going to end up. And although Amai "appears" to be shy, she loses that timid front once this guy dangles his meat in her face. And you know why? It's like we said before: Teen chicks are horny all the time.

 Horny All The Time

