A sun dress. A very simple, floral-pattern sun dress. There is absolutely nothing sexy or overtly sexual about the dress Karina is wearing in these pictures. In fact, if the average girl wore it, you probably wouldn't give her a second look. But Karina is not the average girl, and on her, once again, simple becomes spectacular.
We've seen Karina in super-tight, cleavage-revealing sweaters and sexy lingerie. We've seen her as a vamp, and we've seen her as a slut. But these pictures truly reveal. What makes Karina so special; Her ability to make anything look sexy.
But Karina has a secret that she was willing to reveal to us: No matter what she wears, she likes to have on at least one thing that's sexy on its own, even if that thing isn't visible to casual observers on the street. And in this case, that something sexy is her underwear. The bra is a vintage push-up. Instead of panties she's wearing a sheer mini-skirt that beautiful accents her womanly hips.
"Wearing something sexy makes me feel sexy," Karina said.
There are other notables in this photo set, too, such as Karina's gaping pussy and spread-wide asshole. But what makes these photos special is Karina turning the ordinary into extraordinary. She can do it every time.
See More of Karina Hart at KARINAHART.COM!