Busty Bikini Bath Babe

Category: Big Tits, Natural Boobs, Photo, Solo | Date: 2 December 2018

Busty Bikini Bath Babe

Busty Bikini Bath Babe

"Hobby-wise, I'm a big animal lover," Rachael C. said. "I have a little dog of my own, called Thor. He's a little Pomeranian puppy. Very small. It's that little-man dog syndrome with him. They think they're big when they're tiny! It's appropriate. He thinks he's a big guy. He's with my mom when I travel. I travel a lot so she takes care of him but I love him."

Rachael grew up in Newcastle. She spends a lot of time in London these days. Rachael thinks her breasts are still growing.

"I was one of the bustiest girls in my neighborhood growing up, definitely, if not the bustiest, but I didn't start to develop until I was 14 or 15, so you could say I was a late developer. I caught up! Sometimes I have to go to a special bra shop, but most of the time, I will just squeeze into something off the rack, even if it doesn't fit exactly. It's so much cheaper! And I always get push-up bras, not that I need them."

Rachael has a bikini body, so even though the closest body of water was a bath tub, not a pool or the beach, we still wanted to see how she looks in a swimsuit. Fortunately, she had packed a few away before she flew to meet our photographer.

See More of Rachael C. at SCORELAND.COM!

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